Mercer Road / Cottenham / Cardington

Mercer Road, Horsham

Stage - Planning

Client - Riverdale

Development of 300 no. residential dwellings, a car park to serve the adjacent railway station, a convenience store, public open space and strategic landscaping.


Cottenham, Cambridge

Stage - Planning

Client - Redrow

200 unit scheme comprising of 120 no Private and 80 no Affordable surrounded with community woodland, orchard and archaeological grass land.


Cardington, Bedford


Stage - Planning

Client -

Full application for 675 dwellings adjacent to Cardington Hangers, the largest Grade 1 listed building in the UK. The Linear Park at the core of the site is the exact size of the R101 airship with its axis lines directly pointing to the church in the distance, where the deceased are buried, post the airship crash in France.